Thursday, February 27, 2020

Law in relation to Data Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Law in relation to Data Protection - Essay Example In the present set-up of the society, a lot of people's data are misused by others for money laundering, loans, misrepresentations and other similar occurrences which sometimes creates unfavorable scenario those who owns such data. In doing such, the people who handle data must realize that they are the ones who are being trusted to keep such variables and their primary concern is to keep those as confidential as possible. The case of Creative is no different from the aforementioned premise as they deal with numerous data from the people who in one way or the other factors for them to generate income. In this case, they must bear in mind that they should be responsible in storing and keeping such entries. Also, the awareness of Creative that they are accountable to the law should there be cases of leakage and mishandlings of data. In dealing with similar occurrences, the example of Creative computers suggests that this company has the freehand of access of data from both the buyers and sellers of the computers. Upon reviewing their process of data, one might say that Creative Computers is organized in sorting the information of data from the buyer and seller which is a practical way of referencing. In this case, the data would help Creative computers track transactions that entered the company and therefore it is very crucial to have these kinds of data. Also, several factors including the profile of the person who sells the computer unit is a vital data for Creative Computers as this kind of practice assures them that the quality and the origin of the computer units to be sold. It is a common thought that computers do not have serial numbers and they are not subject for registration like vehicles in which in case of loss and similar instances could be traced down because of its plate numbers. The move of creative company to obtain details from the two parties would also help them locate the sellers if in case there are problems that would arise-instances such as warranty concerns, theft and other related phenomenon are of big help in resolving these kinds of problems. The sorting out of data is indeed a good step for the sake of classification which would prevent confusion in the future should there be changes in the company or with these two parties. However, in handling these data, there are a lot of queries that are in need of answers. There are things that are needed to be clarified in order to ensure that the data that are being obtained are kept within the prescribed bounds of law. On the second thought, Creative Computers must be aware that there would come a time that problems might arise with regards to handling of data. There are scenarios that might confuse Creative Computers with regards to handling of Data. For example, a certain customer who bought the computer from the seller wishes to obtain the information from the seller as police authorities accused the latter as involved in fencing as it was known to them that the computer set was stolen. The problem is, does creative computers owns the right of divulging the information to the buyer Another scenario would be there is a mistake committed by the seller as he sold the other item rather than the intended one. To be able to obtain the computer set

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Linguistics- Language Acquisition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Linguistics- Language Acquisition - Essay Example In the sense, they will imitate every aspect and word more like how they observe than what is the exact. While imitating, almost all the children reflect a tendency to make errors, these errors could be explained as general among all children, who may belong to any origin. Some of the common errors or overgeneralizations that could be identified among children are applying the meaning of a universal statement to all exceptions. This is a behavioural mistake realised among all children. For example if â€Å"dog is explained in terms of an animal having four legs, and birds in terms of all that flies†, the child will associate all animals with four legs as dogs, and all that flies as birds, including an insect. The simplest example would be that, children suggesting the past tense of verbs in a generalized way, the past tense of â€Å"come† might be guessed as â€Å"comed†. As they would have registered their mind according to what they have been taught as rules, â€Å"all verbs end with an â€Å"ed† while changing to past tense. This might be referred to as one of the simple examples of overgeneralization. From this we could understand that As far language acquisition is concerned, overgeneralizations occur in those who are in the beginning stage of learning, for example children who learns their first language at home, and adults who learn their second or non native language on condition. It is the stages involved in the process of learning a language by understanding the linguistic and grammatical rules of the particular language. A child learns by distributing the various things that exists and analyse them on the basis of communicative ideas taught by the elders. For example if an elephant is described and explained as huge in size, the child might associate this explanation with any other animal [which it might see in a book]. This is called overgeneralization. As already said language acquisition is the course of learning a language by